

general informations 
full nameunknown
koizumi suiren
epithetthe crimson lily
age20 years old (physically)
beyond 1000 years old
birth dateunknown
raceyōkai (kitsune)
affiliationto be added
current residencehanayori, silberein


physical description 
physical age20
height176 cm
weight50 kg
skin colourpale
buildslim, mesomorph
accessorysakura hairpin, umbrella
face shapeoval
eye colourcrimson
hair colourred
hair stylewaist-length
usually tied up into a bun 


psychological state 
alignmentchaotic neutral
mental age unknown
likestranquility, flowers, tea(s)
dislikesdogs, people who like to stick their nose to someone else's business
mental characteristics 
known languagesenglish, japanese, chinese, korean, and many more
temperament sanguine - phlegmatic - choleric
hobbiesreading, playing koto, making pots
lurestranquility, arts, potteries
savviesflowers arrangement, breweries, potteries, soap-making
sexual characteristics 
marital statussingle
romantic orientationdemiromantic
sexual orientationdemisexual
love interest-









death doesn’t discriminate
between the sinners
and the saints
it takes, it takes and it takes━

━and we keep living anyway.

━to be added soon.


kitsune physiology

stories depict them as intelligent beings and as possessing magical abilities that increase with their age and wisdom. their powers include illusions, shapeshifting (particularly to human form), possession and especially ability to use magic elements.

illusion manipulationto a kitsune, their illusions are reality. what they make, for them, and for others, is as real as anything found or crafted in nature. anything that a kitsune builds or transforms, becomes what the kitsune desired. a kitsune can make people, animals, and objects, which can't be distinguished from the real thing. the more kitsune team up to make things, the more can be made. a handful of kitsune can build a city if they desired.
shapeshiftinga kitsune can transform into anything found in nature. this means they can turn into trees, forests, rocks, water, or other people. the limits are that the transformation does not give them the innate abilities of the form they have taken, and they are vulnerable to what can harm that form. suiren only uses this ability to transform to human most of the times.
enhanced sensesa kitsune has extremely accurate senses, allowing them to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel better than an average member of their species.
enhanced speeda kitsune can move much faster than the average member of other species.
enhanced reflexesa kitsune drastically enhanced reaction speed, allowing them to dodge bullets, catch flies in mid-air, dodge and maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to.


sealed : this ability is only usable when she is on her kyūbi form.

however, she is still able to produce electricity in an average amount in her human form, mostly harmless with an attempt to prank people

she can release/use electricity to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.

she can release/use electricity to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.

electric bomb generation create bombs/explosions of electricity.
electric blastrelease electricity over a specific target area.
electric bullet projection fire in short sequence over a wide area.
electric cutting: uses electricity to cut opponents.
electrical arc emissionrelease continuous streams of electricity.
electrical beam emissionrelease beams of electricity.
electrical bolt projectionrelease low powered bursts of electricity.
electrified surfacecause surfaces to emit electricity.
hand blastsdischarge electricity from the hands.
hidden attackschannel attacks through a medium.
lightning bolt projection create, summon, and/or discharge lightning bolts.
zapa tiny short release of electricity to cause pain or discomfort, usually too low-powered to be destructive.

enhanced swordsmanship

she is able to wield a sword with incredible proficiency in speed, power, and skill, allowing them to perform feats such as stopping and deflecting bullets, decimating large objects or areas, cutting through solid material such as steel, and even hold back her strength to deal damage to her foes without killing them.

she is able to operate with little or no effort, deliver skillful strikes to weak points with great precision and cut only and exactly what she wants.


kitsune physiology

❀. carelessness and/or drunkenness may reveal true form.

❀. dogs can detect kitsune.

❀. priests, monks, and others of faith may be able to see through a kitsune's illusions, and may be able to dissolve them.

illusion manipulation

❀. some targets may be immune, mainly those who either have this ability as well or other mental ability.

❀. user may be unable to create accurate illusions, such as making things that don't exist or situations that would never happen in a million years. one common mistake is misplacing a feature on a person, or forgetting to add shadows to their forms.

❀. users of illusion awareness and illusion reflection are immune.
users of psychic shield (highly resistant) and psychic immunity (impervious).

❀. people with danger intuition may be able to distinguish a fake illusion by telling which one is really a threat.


❀. users of shapeshifting awareness will see their real forms.

❀. users of shapeshifting negation may forcefully revert the user to their real form.

❀. users of mind reading may read the user's mind and know who they truly are.

❀. may only be able to partially imitate personality traits, thus people acquainted with the person being impersonated may get suspicious.

❀. may be unable to transform into complex machinery (vehicles, projectile weapons, etc.), being limited to only simple tools and melee weapons.

enhanced senses

❀. drugs or other means can either negate or remove these senses unless they are reversible.

❀. overloading may be a frequent occurrence.

❀. magic may cause interference.

❀. may be dulled by pain if user is injured.

enhanced speed

❀. can be nullified by speed cancellation.

❀. weak against speed theft.

❀. susceptible against Gravity Manipulation due to the change in body weight.

enhanced reflexes

❀. supernatural speed users may be too fast to react.

❀. objects moving at tremendously quick speeds may be too difficult to dodge.

❀. without sensorimotor synchrony or other similar secondary powers, the user's body won't be able to keep up with their reflexes.


❀. only usable when she is on her kyūbi form.

❀. firing may be involuntary reaction, or released in constant stream.

❀. users will be exhausted when too much energy is used.

❀. users may be over-charged/wounded if too much energy is used at once.

❀. users need control to avoid unnecessary destruction.

❀. electricity can be insulated by the air.

enhanced swordsmanship

❀. slicing through solid objects (bricks, metals, lava etc.) would destroy most conventional weaponry (non-enchanted steel weapons, etc.)

❀. user may be heavily reliant on sword-based combat and can be vulnerable if their swords are destroyed or taken away.

❀. may be limited to close range combat, which can have difficulty against opponents that can fight at a distance.


star ball

a kitsune's most prized. since it is almost like their life force in a ball.

if you get your hands on her kitsune's star ball, you would have the ability to control her, and make her do your bidding.

however, kitsune hate being stripped of their freedom, and when the Kitsune gets its star ball back, there will be serious repercussions for you to deal with.


the sword that had been accompanying her through the bloody journey. she cherished hahanarudaichi a lot.

the umbrella that helps concealing her sword.


━to be added soon.


━to be added soon.


hello, serenity here.

first of all, thank you for taking your time to read this biography. we really appreciate it.

before roleplaying with us, here are some points we hope you'd read:

❀. this character is purely fictional. any similarity within names or characterization with real world are coincidental, and therefore should be understandable.

❀.any form of plagiarism is prohibited and it won't be tolerated. learn to appreciate someone else's hard work and ideas.

❀. i am a low-maintenance roleplayer. i won't force you to reply my plots or messages as soon as you can or whenever you are online. just take it easy with me. because the point of roleplaying is to have fun, after all!

❀. we are always open for plot and relationship discussions. please, don't be hesitate to barge into our dm for discussion or just mere interaction, either between writers or muses.

❀. shipping based on chemistry.

❀. main language for plotting is english. but still, bahasa is acceptable.

❀. trigger warning: profanities, mature-themed, disturbing/gore stuffs, mentions of drugs and weaponries, mentions of mental illness and suicidal thoughts, suggestive topics.

last updated: september 28th 2018